The Eyes Have It**

Eyes can be mysterious

Eyes can be frightening

Eyes can be alluring

Eyes can be soft and gentle

Eyes can be smiling and friendly

Eyes can be compelling

Eyes can be beautiful:

just like this photograph of my young friend Carolyn’s eye, captured by her boyfriend. See how amazingly we mirror outside images with our eyes.

All my life, I have found it a struggle to maintain eye contact when talking to ANYONE. It doesn’t matter whether the person is young or old, female or male, attractive or otherwise. Am I the only one who finds their concentration and attention wandering as it is drawn towards the other person’s eyes with what seems a sort of magnetic attraction? Perhaps I’m a suitable subject for hypnotism. You have to tear your gaze away, usually having already lost the gist of the conversation.

The power of the eyes cannot be underestimated … and you may be wondering why the title has two asterisks. This is to emphasise that The Eyes Have It … ALL.

The eyes have it all – all the knowledge of both good and poor health – as anyone trained in the art or science of Iridology will explain to you.

Iridology – Natural Diagnosis From The Iris Of The Eye Iridology was developed in Hungary in the 19th Century and is the science of reading the markings, structure and colourings in the iris of the eye to determine the health of the whole body and the whole person, as well as the individual systems and organs. These markings reveal pathological and functional disturbances, and determine the genetic strengths and weaknesses, levels of inflammation and toxicity, and the efficiency of the eliminative organs. All build up a picture of both current health status and whether these imbalances are sub-acute, acute, chronic or degenerative. It is both an art and a science, requiring in its interpretation, logical, deductive skills and reasoning as well as intuitive wisdom, compassion and understanding.

The iridologist does not claim to be able to diagnose illnesses in the person, but just as every complex machine has an instrument panel to outwardly reflect its ‘inward’ condition, so too, the iris can be an extremely powerful and exact reflection of the state of the human body.

An iridologist may use a specialist camera to take pictures of a client’s iris, or simply use a pen torch or illuminated magnifier to examine the eyes.

As bodily tissues become inflamed or congested, the iris registers the processes, enabling the iridologist to determine the root cause of current disorders, such as inherent weaknesses and whether, for example, crude, poisonous drugs have accumulated in the tissues. A toxic digestive system may be responsible for seemingly unrelated problems such as migraines, skin disorders or joint problems. But iridology also shows where the strengths of the body and good health are indicated.

An excellent book for beginners to learn about iridology is What Is Iridology? by Dr Bernard Jensen.

Learn how an owl helped a boy, who grew up to be a physician, discover this remarkable science.

For a great range of Iridology equipment, books and charts, including Self-Analysis Magnifying Mirrors that allow you to observe the markings in your own iris, visit or click on the links as highlighted. 

Brenda, the wife of Paul Barker, who is Distribution and Sales Manager at Wholistic Health Direct , is trained in Iridology and Reflexology amongst other disciplines. Born in 1965 in London, she studied metaphysics and holistic therapy; and now runs her own Holistic Healthcare Practice in Hitchin, Hertfordshire.

If you would like to speak to Brenda Golding about a consultation, her email address is:
 To find an Iridologist near you, contact:
Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists – 0207 821 0255
 For Iridology courses contact the Holistic Health College – 0207 834 3579