How Your Juicer Can Become Your Medicine Chest

For those of you hooked by the new tv series Food Hospital, you’ll be learning that the early health pioneer Hippocrates was right all those centuries ago, when he advised that food can be used as medicine:-

“Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.”
― Hippocrates (the first physician, 400 BC)

In the first two episodes of Food Hospital, a number of people had various conditions reversed, improved or even cured simply by changing the food they ate. These included Psoriasis, Type 2 Diabetes, Fatty Liver Syndrome, Migraine and Acid Reflux. The programmes also talked about how your diet can prevent cancer.

In every case so far, the recommended “food medicines” were plant-based or, in the case of fish oil, could be substituted with a suitable plant seed oil such as flax or hemp.

So what is the benefit of juicing fruit and vegetables?

By all means we should eat lots of plant-based food, in order to get plenty of healthy colon-cleansing fibre.  But a glass of juice provides more concentrated vitamins, minerals, beneficial living enzymes and phytochemicals than you would get from trying to eat the equivalent weight of fruit and vegetables. A body weakened by illness can quickly take in this goodness without having to expend energy to break down and digest the whole food, so freshly made juices are the ideal food for turning your health around fast. Carton juices are no substitute, they have been heat-treated, destroying the delicate nutrients, enzymes AND the fresh taste. Freshly made juices nourish, cleanse and energise every cell in your body so it can detoxify, strengthen and heal itself. And they taste delicious.

“Juices and blended drinks are the fastest way to supercharge your
bloodstream with powerful plant medicines and concentrated nutrients. When you
drink these potent elixirs, you will feel their synergistic power and live
enzymes push you through your day. Your fruit and vegetable juicer will
become your medicine chest.
With the power juices and super drinks in this
, you will tap into a natural energy source that helps you sleep, clears
thoughts, strengthens  digestion and  builds immunity. They provide you with a lifetime of health benefits.” –  Steve Meyerowitz (well-known American living foods expert and  author)

The single most important piece of equipment you can use to greatly
increase the quality and quantity of the nutrition and beneficial living
enzymes you consume is a JUICER

To get a taste of our most highly recommended juicers, click on this link.

And for our very best juicer offer, click here.

To request one of our FREE healthy lifestyle products catalogues, with many
reduced price offers, click here.

“A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings.” – Hippocrates

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